Going to Burundi!

Going to Burundi!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I am off!!!

In 48 hours I will be on the plane to Burundi! Ah, I can't believe it is finally here!
I spent the last two weeks working at Warm Beach Camp working in the recreation department and spending a lot of time with the new summer staff counselors.
I also had some time to plan my health lessons and organize many different recreational activities/games that I can lead in Burundi. My main focus is on nutrition and hygiene; however, I will be teaching about spiritual health and emphasizing how Jesus is the one who truly satisfies us.

Here is how you can pray for the team and also a schedule of what I will be doing each day.

Pray that we would be in awe of the Lord, united together as believers in awe of the love of our father. Pray that the women's ears and eyes would be opened to the gospel and hope that we have in Jesus. Pray that we would be satisfied no matter what our circumstance is in the Lord knowing, John 6:35 "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." Philippians 4:4-9 " Rejoice in the Lord always again I will say rejoice. Let your reasonableness be know to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, whatever is true whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me- practice these things and the God of peace will be with you." 
Pray that all the glory would be given to God through whatever happens in all situations

Daily prayers:

- Tuesday, July 3 Pray for safe travel for the
first 12 team members as they leave the U.S. and for
the Lord to continue to prepare their hearts during the
long flights.

- Wednesday, July 4 Pray for the Lord to grow a
deep bond in this team, rooted in Christ, as they arrive
in Burundi tonight and rest from travel.

- Thursday, July 5 Pray that our eyes will be
opened to see people as Christ sees them, today and
for the whole trip.

- Friday, July 6 Pray for God’s protection from
the enemy for this team and all widows and kids—
protection from sickness, from those who would do us
harm, and for our hearts and team unity.

- Saturday, July 7 Pray for strength and joy for
the Burundian team (Sister Connection employees and
volunteers) as they coordinate the final details for
widows’ and children’s camps.

- Sunday, July 8 Pray for spiritual preparation for all
who will be teaching, leading worship, and translating
in the Widows’ Retreat and Children’s Camp.

- Monday, July 9 Pray for safety, protection, and
spiritual preparation for the widows and children ages
5-12 as they travel to camp today.

- Tuesday, July 10 Pray that all teachings will be
led by the Spirit, for our hearts to be in tune to Him at
all times, and that we trust Him to give us the words HE
has for the widows and orphans, even if it means that
we change direction in the middle of a lesson.

- Wednesday, July 11 Pray for joyful, free worship
that blesses the heart of the Father, exalts Jesus Christ,
and welcomes the Holy Spirit to come and work in the
heart of each person present—widows, children, and
camp team.

- Thursday, July 12 As the widows and children
travel home, pray that the Lord will seal the work He
has done and protect each person from the enemy
snatching away the seeds that were planted. Pray for
physical health for the camp team as they rest from
these busy days.

- Friday, July 13 Pray for safe travel for the six team
members who will be returning to the U.S. this weekend
and for the Holy Spirit to counsel them as they process
the trip.

- Saturday, July 14 Pray that we be considerate of
each other, putting others before ourselves, as a team,
giving grace and mercy where we might be tempted to
give impatience and irritation.

- Sunday, July 15 Pray for God to show Himself
individually to each team member.

- Monday, July 16 Pray that our focus will be on
glorifying God and giving Him the credit.

- Tuesday, July 17 Pray for safe travel for 13 new
team members as they leave the U.S. and for the Lord to
continue to prepare their hearts during the long flights.

- Wednesday, July 18 Pray as the Lord leads you.

- Thursday, July 19 Pray for the Lord to unite our
whole team as the new members arrive in Burundi today
and rest from travel.

- Friday, July 20 Pray that our eyes will be opened
to see people as Christ sees them.

- Saturday, July 21 Pray for team members’ families
and friends at home, that their ears, eyes, and hearts to be
open to the gospel and they will want to surrender their
entire lives to Jesus.

- Sunday, July 22 Pray for safety, protection, and
spiritual preparation for the first group of youth, ages 13-
17, as they travel to camp today.

- Monday, July 23 Pray for joyful, free worship that
blesses the heart of the Father, exalts Jesus Christ, and
welcomes the Holy Spirit to come and work in the heart of
each person present.

- Tuesday, July 24 Pray that all teachings will be led
by the Spirit, for our hearts to be in tune to Him at all
times, and that we trust Him to give us the words HE has for
the youth.

- Wednesday, July 25 Pray for the Lord’s seal on all that
was done as the 13 to 17 year old youth travel home
today, and for safety, protection, and spiritual
preparation for the 18 to 26 year old youth as they travel
to camp.

- Thursday, July 26 Pray for healing in the hearts of
these youth who experienced so much trauma during the

- Friday, July 27 Pray that all teachings will be led
by the Spirit, for our hearts to be in tune to Him at all
times, and that we trust Him to give us the words HE has for
the youth.

- Saturday, July 28 As the older youth travel home,
pray that the Lord will seal the work He has done and
protect each person from the enemy snatching away the
seeds that were planted. Pray for physical health and
spiritual growth for the camp team as they rest from these
busy days.

- Sunday, July 29 Pray for safe travel for all remaining
team members who will be returning to the U.S. and for the
Holy Spirit to counsel and guide them as they process the

W idows’ Retreat: 

July 9-11: Barb will be teaching about courage. Ginger will teach
about courage as mothers in tough situations, like Jochabed, and
courage as daughters of God, like the woman with the issue of blood.
Susan, Brittney, & Jennifer will be teaching about health, hygiene, and
nutrition from Burundian fruits and veggies (in all four camps). Denise
will be speaking about God’s faithfulness, our source of courage.
C hildren’s C amp: The Holy Spirit with Us

July 9-11: Wayne will be teaching about God as Creator and how to
recognize Him all around us and find hope and strength through His
presence with us. Josh and Michelle will be teaching about relying on
and obeying the Holy Spirit.

Youth C amps: 

July 23-25 & 25-27: Tyler will be teaching about Jesus, who came to
be with us and did not “leave us as orphans” (John 14.18), but sent the
Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, and teach us.


Sometime between Sun, July 1 to Tues July 2--Michelle, Josh (Michelle's new husband), Denise, 3 Patch kids, Susan Rice, Brittney (intern) & Jennifer (intern) fly in.  This is the U.S. team of visitors for widows' and kids' camps, and a few will stay for youth camp, too.  

Wed, July 3--visit HAU campus & a Buja widow home
Thurs, July 4--head up-country, visit Mt. Hope or Kibuye, widow homes
Fri, July 5--visiting homes, hearing testimonies, greeting friends
Sat, July 6--visiting homes, hearing testimonies, greeting friends
Sun, July 8--church and  preparing for camps

Mon, July 9—widows and children arrive in afternoon
Tues, July 10—Widows’ Seminar and Children’s Camp 
Wed, July 11—Widows’ Seminar and Children’s Camp

Thurs, July 14--rest, travel to Buja
Fri, July 13--Michelle and Josh fly out (or Saturday, depending on flights).
Sat to Tues, July 14-17--Denise & kids, Brittney, and (Jennifer) rest, debrief, and visit homes . . . 

Mon, July 16 Barb & Wayne Vibbert fly out of Buja (Barb & Wayne will not be there for youth camps).  

Thurs, July 19—Wenatchee Team (13 team members) and possibly Julie Greissinger with her kids Alex, and Katie arrive in the afternoon (Rest in Buja and visit Hope Africa U).  They join Denise and her kids, Brittney, and Jennifer to help with youth camps.  
Fri, July 20--Could visit Ruzzizi for hippos and crocs; go up country, visit widow homes
Sat, July 21--Prep crafts, games, & special songs, visit widow homes.  Dinner: debrief widow home visits
Sun, July 22--Church & rest
Mon, July 23--Youth Camp #1
Tues, July 24--Youth Camp #1
Wed, July 25—Team rests, debrief a bit, prep more crafts, shopping in Gitega
Thurs, July 26—Youth Camp #2
Fri, July 27—Youth Camp #2
Sat, July 28—Team heads back to Buja, additional shopping, Dinner: team debrief youth camps
Sun, July 29—Morning: church, Late evening: team flies out

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